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Protecting the Frontline: Essential Web Application Security Strategies for CISOs

In today’s world, web applications are everywhere. Web applications and application program interfaces (API’s) are running almost every aspect of our internet facing lives and businesses – serving as gateways for customers, partners, and employees. They are akin to magic portals that connect you to different places regardless of where you are physically. This ubiquity also makes them prime targets for cyber-attacks, according to the Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report 2023, 76% of cyber-attacks target web applications and their vulnerabilities. For CISOs today, securing web applications isn’t merely a technical checkbox; it’s a business priority.

Along with being omnipresent, web applications are often the most exposed points in an organisation’s networks. They often are accessible from anywhere in the world with no need for a physical presence to attack, making them attractive targets for malicious actors. Not just that, web applications are also a gold mine of data – from customer data to intellectual property, these apps often house a trove of sensitive information. Leaving them unsecured is like leaving your smartphone unlocked and unattended in a public place. A breach isn’t a minor headache, it is inviting chaos, everything from financial woes to a PR nightmare, to your doorstep. Understanding and rolling out effective security measures for your web applications is essential. That’s the ticket to keeping your organisation’s digital assets locked up tight and your customers feeling confident.

To help CISOs protect their web applications, the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) has identified the top 10 most critical security risks. Here’s a simplified guide to these risks and how to mitigate them.

The Unsecured Threshold: Risks of Broken Access Control

Broken access control invites the same risk that leaving your key under the doormat does. If someone finds out, they have a field day by gaining access to the critical zones of your web applications. The fix? Assess and update who has access to what regularly and lock down permissions ensuring only the right people can get in.

Weak Lock Woes: Cryptographic Failures

Cryptographic failures are equivalent to having a weak lock on your safe, like trying to keep your secrets safe with a lock that can be easily picked. Weak encryption leaves your sensitive data exposed and to keep your secrets truly safe, it’s essential to upgrade your encryption methods. Just like investing in a heavy-duty lock for your safe, strong encryption ensures that your secrets remain hidden from prying eyes. And don’t forget to avoid outdated encryption methods—they’re as unreliable as using an old, rusty padlock to protect your valuables.

Battling Sneaky Intruders: Injection Attacks

Injection attacks resemble a cunning burglar exploiting loopholes in your security system to open the door. These attacks trick your application into carrying out malicious commands, putting your data and system integrity at risk. The best defence? Ensure all user inputs are sanitised and verified. Utilise prepared statements and parameterised queries to strengthen your application against such deceitful tactics.

Constructing Without Blueprint: Insecure Design

Insecure design is like constructing a house without a blueprint—leaving vulnerabilities unaddressed from the start. To counter this, integrate security measures at every stage of development. Regularly conduct threat modelling and code reviews to identify and resolve issues early on.

Unlocked Car and Keys in Ignition: Security Misconfiguration

Security Misconfigurations mean systems are not securely configured. Improperly set up systems invite dangers like an unlocked car with keys inside. Anyone can easily access your systems resulting in data breaches, operational disruptions, malware infections, and other security incidents. How can you avoid this? Regularly update and patch your systems, disable unnecessary features and services, and use automated tools with manual verification to ensure everything is set up correctly.

Web Security’s Achilles Heel: Vulnerable and Outdated Components

Despite all the necessary measures in place, vulnerable and outdated components, like outdated frameworks and libraries, can prove to be your system’s Achilles heel. These components, like a chink in the armour, can be easily exploited by attackers, posing significant risks to your system’s security. To mitigate these risks, keep all software components up to date and leverage automated tools for managing and updating dependencies.

Gate Crashers and Imposters: Identification and Authentication Failures

Would you allow someone with a fake ID to access a secure area? Identification and authentication failures are comparable to stealing an ID from one of your employees and wandering straight into your office. To combat this, implement robust authentication measures such as multi-factor authentication, ensuring that only authorised users can access sensitive areas of your digital infrastructure. Additionally, ensure that you manage sessions securely to prevent unauthorised access to user accounts and sensitive data.

Damaged Goods: Software and Data Integrity Failures

You wouldn’t want to receive a package that’s been tampered with during delivery. Similarly, software and data integrity failures are like receiving compromised goods, leaving your web applications susceptible to unauthorised alterations. To maintain the integrity of your digital assets, employ measures such as digital signatures and secure update mechanisms. Just as you trust the seal on a package to ensure its contents are untouched, these security measures help safeguard your digital assets from being tampered with and ensure they remain intact and reliable.

Busted CCTV Cameras: Security Logging and Monitoring Failures

Imagine running a store without security cameras. You wouldn’t know if someone walked in and took something without paying. Similarly, security logging and monitoring failures leave your digital operations vulnerable to unnoticed threats. Stay ahead of potential breaches by enabling comprehensive logging and monitoring. Just as security cameras help you detect and respond to suspicious activity in your physical store, logging and monitoring tools allow you to promptly identify and address security incidents in your digital space. 

The Con Artist: Server-Side Request Forgery

Just as a con artist would trick you into divulging sensitive information, Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) tricks your server into fetching sensitive data or performing unauthorised actions. To prevent this, ensure you validate and sanitise all incoming requests on the server side. Also, implement a whitelist of allowed URLs to control and restrict what your server can access, making sure it only interacts with trusted sources.

The High Stakes of Web Application Insecurity

Failing to secure your web applications can lead to serious repercussions. At a minimum, attackers might deface your website, tarnishing your brand’s reputation. However, the risks extend far beyond mere vandalism. Malicious actors could inject harmful code, putting your visitors at risk of malware infections or data breaches. Such breaches not only cost you your user’s trust but can also trigger legal consequences and substantial fines for violating data protection laws. In the worst-case scenario, attackers could infiltrate your internal systems, wreaking havoc on your business operations.

Don’t wait for a security breach to expose the vulnerabilities in your web applications. Take proactive steps to secure your digital assets and protect your organisation from cyber threats.

At Incursion Cyber Security, we understand the complexities and challenges of web application security. Our team of experienced security professionals offers comprehensive penetration testing and vulnerability assessments tailored to your organisation’s needs. By partnering with us, you gain access to expert insights and actionable recommendations that help strengthen your web application security posture.


What our clients say

Incursion are professional with their approach whether this be within the internal team or external stakeholders. They are responsive which makes the engagement flow really well throughout the project, communication is great; attending daily stand up call, responding to WhatsApp messages quickly as well as reaching out to the wider team if needed. The level of work produced is to a high standard and follows industry best practices, Incursion make sure they thoroughly cover everything on the agreed scope. This has led to us receiving further work from the customer and an extension in our engagement. Incursion have no issues with working collaboratively within a team which has really helped with working in an agile environment. Overall, Incursion are a pleasure to work with.

Chloe – Leonardo

I am delighted to share our experience with ICS, a company that truly exemplifies excellence in security incident response. Their unwavering commitment to professionalism and sensitivity during a critical situation turned a crisis in to an opportunity for growth and a renewed commitment to security.

When faced with a security breach, emotions run high. ICS demonstrated remarkable empathy and understanding. They treated the team members not as mere clients but as individuals navigating a distressing event. Their compassionate approach eased our clients’ anxieties and fostered trust.

They provided concise, jargon-free updates, ensuring that stakeholders and affected parties were well-informed. Their transparency built confidence in their abilities.

In summary, ICS isn’t just a security consultancy; they are guardians of trust, protectors of digital sanctity. If you seek a team that combines technical knowhow with genuine care, look no further. I wholeheartedly endorse ICS for their exceptional service.

Barry – MSA365

Incursion are professional with their approach whether this be within the internal team or external stakeholders. They are responsive which makes the engagement flow really well throughout the project, communication is great; attending daily stand up call, responding to WhatsApp messages quickly as well as reaching out to the wider team if needed. The level of work produced is to a high standard and follows industry best practices, Incursion make sure they thoroughly cover everything on the agreed scope. This has led to us receiving further work from the customer and an extension in our engagement. Incursion have no issues with working collaboratively within a team which has really helped with working in an agile environment. Overall, Incursion are a pleasure to work with.

Chloe – Leonardo