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Ready, Set, Respond: How Incident Response Sharpens your Cyber Defences

In today’s tech-savvy world, cyber threats are like a game of Whack-a-Mole. As soon as you think you have handled one another one pops up, making incident response ever so necessary.

Incident response is your mallet in this relentless game of whack-a-mole, allowing you to swiftly and accurately identify and address security breaches if they occur. The goal is to minimise damage (financial, regulatory and reputational) reduce recovery time, costs and ensure operations run smoothly despite constantly emerging new threats.

Cyber Crisis Drills — Turning Theoretical Plans into Real World Readiness

So, how do you ensure your mallet is fit for action? One effective method is tabletop exercises.

A tabletop exercise is like a game plan huddle for your cybersecurity team. It’s where team members practice their roles and responses in a simulated incident that is designed to test your incident response plan. This helps to assess your readiness, identify gaps and enhance the overall preparedness for when real threats hit.

So, why exactly are these exercises so beneficial? Let’s take a closer look at how they can make your organisation’s incident response strategy far more effective.

Getting Battle Ready

These exercises let your team practice their response to specific threats and scenarios. 
For instance, your company is hit with a ransomware attack. During the exercise, your team would go through the steps to identify the attack, contain it, communicate with stakeholders and recover data. By exercising real-world incidents, you can test your response plans under pressure and make any necessary tweaks.

Perfecting Teamwork

Tabletop exercises are also a team-building exercise for your decision makers. They help clarify who does what in the event of a cyber incident.

In case of a data breach, your incident response team needs to quickly assess the breach’s scope, identify the affected systems, and communicate to the stakeholders. Tabletop exercises provide the perfect opportunity to practice these actions, ensuring everyone knows their role and can swiftly act when it counts. Additionally, they also help improve communication and collaboration between your help, which are crucial during the chaos of a real attack.

Sharpening Your Response Strategy

Tabletop exercises examine the effectiveness of your incident response plan, helping you uncover and fix weaknesses.

During a ransomware attack simulation, you might discover that your communication plan is outdated or that some team members need more training. By periodically running these drills, you can stay ahead of new threats and keep your response plans up to date.

Now let’s shift gears and focus on the C-suite. It’s not just the tech team that needs to be ready; executives play a crucial role too.

Getting the C-Suite in the Game

Understanding incident response protocols and procedures isn’t just for the tech team. C-suite executives must dive into incident response training and exercises to grasp the protocols and procedures.

Participation helps them understand the bigger picture, including the business impacts and response strategies. By being actively involved the C-suite learns about the potential risks firsthand and is prepared to make smart decisions during a crisis. This proactive engagement ensures the entire organisation is aligned and ready to tackle cyber threats head-on.

C-Suites Crisis Practice

When handling real cyber incidents, practice makes perfect – and that also goes for the C-suite. Participating in these exercises equips your C-suite exec’s to manage real crises with confidence and efficiency. By practicing various scenarios, they turn theoretical knowledge into effective action. This hands-on experience helps your exec’s grasp the challenges and intricacies of incident response, ensuring your C-suite is ready to support their teams.

In a data breach compromising customer information exercise, for example, the C-suite would discuss notifying affected customers, handling media enquiries and coordinating with legal and regulatory bodies. This practical involvement helps your execs understand the complexities of incident response and prepares them to steer their organisations through a crisis.

So, what’s the takeaway here? To sum it up, incident response and tabletop exercises are your best friends in the cyber world, and you, CISOs and CTOs need to make these a top priority. These exercises are like fire drills for your defences, ensuring your organisation can bounce back quickly from any cyber-attack.

Implementing a solid incident response strategy and running periodic tabletop exercises won’t make you ready for anything, but it will mean that those at the center of a breach have confidence and knowledge to deal with whatever is thrown at them. This proactive approach not only minimises the damage from incidents; it also boosts your overall security. Be prepared, and you will stay ahead of the game.

Need help with your incident response plan? At Incursion Cyber Security we understand the importance of an offensive stance against cyber threats. Our team of seasoned security experts can help you develop and implement an incident response plan tailored to your organisation’s specific needs.


What our clients say

Incursion are professional with their approach whether this be within the internal team or external stakeholders. They are responsive which makes the engagement flow really well throughout the project, communication is great; attending daily stand up call, responding to WhatsApp messages quickly as well as reaching out to the wider team if needed. The level of work produced is to a high standard and follows industry best practices, Incursion make sure they thoroughly cover everything on the agreed scope. This has led to us receiving further work from the customer and an extension in our engagement. Incursion have no issues with working collaboratively within a team which has really helped with working in an agile environment. Overall, Incursion are a pleasure to work with.

Chloe – Leonardo

I am delighted to share our experience with ICS, a company that truly exemplifies excellence in security incident response. Their unwavering commitment to professionalism and sensitivity during a critical situation turned a crisis in to an opportunity for growth and a renewed commitment to security.

When faced with a security breach, emotions run high. ICS demonstrated remarkable empathy and understanding. They treated the team members not as mere clients but as individuals navigating a distressing event. Their compassionate approach eased our clients’ anxieties and fostered trust.

They provided concise, jargon-free updates, ensuring that stakeholders and affected parties were well-informed. Their transparency built confidence in their abilities.

In summary, ICS isn’t just a security consultancy; they are guardians of trust, protectors of digital sanctity. If you seek a team that combines technical knowhow with genuine care, look no further. I wholeheartedly endorse ICS for their exceptional service.

Barry – MSA365

Incursion are professional with their approach whether this be within the internal team or external stakeholders. They are responsive which makes the engagement flow really well throughout the project, communication is great; attending daily stand up call, responding to WhatsApp messages quickly as well as reaching out to the wider team if needed. The level of work produced is to a high standard and follows industry best practices, Incursion make sure they thoroughly cover everything on the agreed scope. This has led to us receiving further work from the customer and an extension in our engagement. Incursion have no issues with working collaboratively within a team which has really helped with working in an agile environment. Overall, Incursion are a pleasure to work with.

Chloe – Leonardo